Saturday, January 18, 2014

Birthday Party Madness

I have never been one that is into anything too "girly".  I don't enjoy pinterest or interior design magazines and I don't even wear makeup.  Perhaps I am just lazy, but I just don't care.  I mean, I think I have good taste and I know what I like but poring over fabric samples or shopping the MAC counter is something you'll never see me doing.  Because of this, I am utterly shocked at my recent odd (slightly obsessive) behavior over Ollie's second birthday party.

I have always thought that over the top big birthday parties for babies were a waste and all about the parents showing off.  That is why for Ollie's first birthday party, we just had immediate family with pizza and cupcakes.  It was sheer perfection and I love that I didn't do a big thing, where he probably would have melted down 7 minutes into the party.  Despite the fact that I felt a tinge of guilt every time we went to one of our friend's fabulous baby birthday parties!!

This year, something is different.  My little ginger has a personality - he is full-on crazily obsessed with trucks, namely firetrucks.  Also, he has best friends he plays with - his little group of cute toddlers that he really truly loves.  So this year, I am morphing into "that mom" that is planning a themed party.  A fire truck themed party no less. It started with the invitations I found on - which rivaled the cost of my wedding invites.  Thank god Chris isn't fully versed on things like custom printing and card stock, or the fact that for $4.99 we could have had very nice invitations from CVS that would have handwritten info.  This invitation has now become the template for all my decorating!  Last night after a few cocktails on our date night, I forced Chris to go to our local bakery on the walk home, invitation in hand, to get the ball rolling on the cake discussions.  Ridiculous.

This blog post comes after a night of insomnia starting at 3am. I was on my iPhone searching Etsy for "fire truck party decor" as I attempted to not wake Chris with the bright light shining from my phone.  I think this post is somewhat of a self-intervention, as I almost just pulled the trigger on a $52 party package of fire truck birthday monogrammed banners and cupcake toppers. WHO AM I?

Despite the decorating compulsion & overspending, I am honestly soooo excited for his big day! My little goose will be the star of the show and all his cute little friends will be together to play.....with firetrucks.

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